No one is too old to have a Christmas wish list, even if it is not the traditional list. Maybe your wish is for a new sweater or maybe you hope you can see a loved one soon.
Read the rest of this entryNo one is too old to have a Christmas wish list, even if it is not the traditional list. Maybe your wish is for a new sweater or maybe you hope you can see a loved one soon.
Read the rest of this entryThe weekend is here. When the week has been especially trying, it can feel as if your inner child is a little battered.
Or maybe, the inner child is still whole, but its protective nook inside the heart sustained some damage, the glass window shattered.
With holiday crafting put away for the season, I am able to refocus on mixed media art.
Read the rest of this entrySome of my favorite found objects–a piece of lake glass, and old rusty wire and a rusty star–make up this new mixed media piece titled “Creativity”.
Read the rest of this entrySo many elements go into this mixed media piece–layered background paper, mica stained glass windows, National Geographic background paper, an old dictionary page and even a tiny little noose.
Read the rest of this entryLadies and gents, step right up because this week we are taking a shine to circus.
I mean that literally, since my project today features different shiny surfaces that you can apply to circus trading coins.
Each circus trading coin features a different shiny surface: fine glitter, chunky glitter, distressed glitter, red metallic flakes or silver metallic flakes.
You can use these as trading coins, ornaments or as package tags.
If you want to learn how to make these coins, please visit my featured tutorial at Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts.
Making this piece was so liberating. After experiencing a horrible, no good, really bad day, all I wanted to do was crawl under the bedcovers, but knew that I had too many upcoming projects I needed to work on.
Instead of retreating from the world, I pulled out some some sea-themed chipboard pieces because the waterways always soothe my soul. To keep things simpler, I decided to limit my palette to only two colors beyond black and white.
I found this decision liberating as my project came together lickety-split–which for me, the world’s slowest artist, is nothing short of miraculous.
Read the rest of this entryI have to admit, the art I am sharing with you this week tickles my funny bone. Perhaps some think art should not have levity, but I disagree. I believe art needs to bring some of the elements that humans most need in their lives: beauty, inspiration, insight, a glimpse of God, relaxation and humor.
Of course you know I’m picking the funny route.
So for this piece I turned a miniature tin into a wooden crate containing fish that someone ordered for their dinner party.
Except the fish, wearing hats, drinking martinis and blowing party horns, might not be what was expected. Even the clown fish are a little different.
The tin contains an accordion fold paper with five panels.
I create a mixed media scene on both sides of each of the five panels.
To learn how to make this, please visit the Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts Blog.
But wait–there’s more! To entice you to visit my shop, I am offering an entire sheet of colorful high resolution fish as a free download. Just place it into the shopping cart and download it for free. I hope you take a minutes to check out my other offerings as well.
Walt Disney once said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” For me, that is what this year has been all about. I have been reaching outside of my comfort zone to build the foundation for achieving my dreams.
Actually, I have been going beyond more than just one comfort zone. I have been trying a lot of new things–from starting art product lines, to growing friendships and alliances in the art industry, to expanding the kinds of art I make to opening up about last year’s health scare.
Read the rest of this entryI am lucky enough to own a massive bucket of vintage wooden spools. I had been trying to come up with some new ways to use them when I happened to see a picture of artist Cat Kerr’s beautiful mixed media tape dispensers.
That’s it! I thought to myself. I can make some mixed media spools.
Read the rest of this entry