When I was in my twenties I would naively brag about how I was great at finding bargains–except I wouldn’t use the most refined language. My stepmother would gently correct me, telling me I shouldn’t say I was cheap, and instead describe myself as frugal. She was right, of course. Never for a single moment–even back in college when I sometimes wished I could just be a carefree party girl–have I “been cheap”. Read the rest of this entry
Monthly Archives: March 2016
What’s on your bucket list
What’s on your bucket list? My first post with Canvas Corp was on mine!.
Life suddenly began whizzing by for The Husband™ and I. And, to tell the truth, it sometimes feels like there are a lot of missed opportunities.
As parents of kids with unique needs, we put many of our dreams on hold. Year after year, we avoided activities that required babysitters. We embraced staycations and we usually juggled far more stress than we could imagine. Yet, I would give anything to have my kids be little tykes again so that I could better appreciate that precious and fleeting time. Read the rest of this entry
Pink rabbit noses and roses abound in this tunnel book–but be careful, not all bunnies you meet are sugary sweet
An afternoon of creative fun with Silks shrink art
Once in awhile a project comes along and surprises you with childlike and carefree moments of creative play.This was one of those projects.
I got a much-needed respite when I spent a recent afternoon painting, shrinking and melting bits of plastic into fused combinations of happy color. I hope you hop on over to the ColourArte blog to see find out how to create some of this fun for yourself.
Big news deserves a big altered art project–I am joining the esteemed Alpha Stamps Design Team!
Dreams really do come true. I found that out firsthand when I recently got invited to join the Alpha Stamps Design Team.
I can’t adequately describe what an honor this is. Nor how terrifying it is. Many artists I have most admired over the years are on this team. Simply put, their work is brilliant.
Austin Kleon says, “Stand next to the talent” because you will only be as good as the people you surround yourself with. He tells artists to hang around people who are smarter and better than themselves. That’s what I am doing–I just fervently hope I don’t fall on my face (subsequently impaling myself with craft scissors or suffocating from all the glitter on my studio floor).
Alpha Stamps is announcing my arrival on their blog tomorrow. For my debut Alpha Stamps project, I created a three-dimensional Altered Art Greenhouse from two 6.5 inch tall House Oddities Boxes, complete with a mossy roof, wind chimes, iron bridge and flower urns. You can see this miniature greenhouse featured on the Alpha Stamps blog. Read the rest of this entry