No one is too old to have a Christmas wish list, even if it is not the traditional list. Maybe your wish is for a new sweater or maybe you hope you can see a loved one soon.
Read the rest of this entryNo one is too old to have a Christmas wish list, even if it is not the traditional list. Maybe your wish is for a new sweater or maybe you hope you can see a loved one soon.
Read the rest of this entryJust to shake things up a bit, I diverged from my usual art and made this cute holiday greeting shaker card. It reminds me of vintage snow globes, and it was a fun and easy project.
Visit Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts blog to see the tutorial or just follow below. Read the rest of this entry
Christmas is the perfect time for upcycling objects. Vintage salt shakers, sandbakel tins and wooden spools are ideal for creating adorable snowmen (and women!). Add in glittery snowflakes and things get really chill.
Sorry I am so flaky that I simply cannot resist a few snowmen puns. You will just have to roll with it.
Two of my favorite things in the world are mid-century graphics and snarky humor. I recently combined them to make one of my least favorite things in this world–doing laundry–a little more fun. Read the rest of this entry
Hippity hoppity Easter’s on its way. With Easter approaching, it is the perfect time for springtime tales and bunny tails.
I combined these themes with my take on a time-honored altered art form–the Artist Trading Card (ATC). Read the rest of this entry
Christmas is nearly upon us. Part of the magic of the season is when children fill their eyes with wonder while window shopping.
Make sure you leave time to stop by Kringle Toys, where the glowing chandelier casts a warm glow as shoppers come in from the newly fallen snow.
Approaching Kringle Toys, visitors see the faded ghost sign on the brick wall–a testament to the store’s longevity.
Nothing sets my heart aflutter like Christmas decorations made from the 1940s-1960s.
Since this era was before my time and people typically collect things from their childhood, my infatuation may not make a lot of sense. But as the youngest child of older parents, most of my family’s Christmas decorations came from the 1940s and ’50s.
Let’s face it, doing the laundry would be so much more fun with a retro pink washer and dryer. Read the rest of this entry
A talented friend of mine has taken on the challenge of giving her entire house a Mid-Century Modern updo with only inexpensive secondhand goods.
Her ingenuity impressed me so much that I though she should memorialize her project with a mini album. As as surprise for her, I made a little album so she could paste in before and after pictures, make notes of her awesome estate sale finds and even add in inspiration and ideas from magazines. Read the rest of this entry
I was thinking about the AALL Challenge #1 Europe one day and inspiration came to me throughout the day. First, while visiting my elderly mother, I spied the family Bible–a massive tome in Swedish that no one in our family can read. Later, while preparing photos for digitizing, I came across both a stoic picture of my Swedish ancestors and a colorful picture of my own multicultural children with impish looks upon their faces. The day concluded with racist hate spewing across the news channels. Read the rest of this entry