There’s a legit reason for the gigantic egg hatching in my art studio

There’s a legit reason for the gigantic egg hatching in my art studio


You've got egg on your blog.

You’ve got egg on your blog.

Since this blog is so new, and lovely readers like you keep gushing flowing trickling in, I have been trying to make certain everyone understands Paper Calliope is different from other craft sites out in blogland. This isn’t some schmarmy marketing ploy. I’m just trying to save everyone from disappointment down the road.

In case you haven’t been paying attention, Paper Calliope features crafting with a sassy twist. Oh yeah, it has a lot about anxiety too, because anxiety is near and not-so-dear to 97 percent* of the sensitive souls a.k.a. artists in the world.

I liken my blog to being the lovechild of Jenny Lawson, Martha Stewart and Oprah Winfrey.** I mean, if Jenny Lawson can top the NY Times Bestseller List, there must be a whole lot of people who relate to her unusual sense of humor.

While I won’t be dressing dead animals in cute outfits like Jenny does (trust me, it is oddly funny), I definitely relate to her. For example, the other day when I was in the throes of the flu, I actually composed a haiku about it. I was so pleased with myself that I feebly reached my fever weakened arm for my phone and bravely overcame wave after wave of lightheadedness just to memorialize it in a memo:

Violent stomach night
Huddling under covers
Relief not in sight 

Oh Good Lord in Heaven. This is the first time I read it. If I was so sick that I was writing that crap, I should have been in the hospital. What is wrong with my family? (For all you haiku sticklers–where I come from huddling is pronounced as three syllables. So there.)

Anyway, so here I was earlier today reading Jenny’s posting Nothing Rhymes with Peculiar and lo and behold, she also wrote a poem:

“A limerick not dirty and a harpy not mean:
These are things that I’ve never seen.
A tumor for fun and a beautiful cyst:
These are things that just don’t exist…”

 Great minds I tell you, great minds. **

But people came here for art!

At the same time, Paper Calliope is starting to garner some interest among mixed media, altered art and scrapbooking communities. One of my more serious pieces, Drab Little Daisies, has brought the most new readers. (I love each and everyone of you! I have written your names in my best Sharpie, so that when Paper Calliope becomes world renowned, I can send you a thank you gift for being a founding supporter.)

Will such esteemed individuals–with such obvious good taste in art–be appalled, disgusted or even terrified by my ill-mannered observations? I mean, let’s face it, a large portion of the scrapbooking industry is based in Utah, and well, you know… Don’t get me wrong, I love Utah. If you live there, then I love you. I just don’t want to traumatize anyone who is of purer thought than I am.

What do you think? How do you think people will react? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to change. I am way too stubborn to do that. I just need to know if I need to stock up on tissue to dry my eyes.

So by now you are probably thinking that I posted a picture of the giant egg to talk about something weird, right? Wrong! It is a top-secret art project I am doing for a design team call. See, I told you this was a crafting blog.

Coming tomorrow: Cool Beans--my first press as an artist.

Coming tomorrow:
Cool Beans–my first press as an artist.


* Not a real statistic. I made that crap up. The actual number is probably higher.

**For Heaven’s sake, please don’t sue me or throw me in jail. I adore all three of you and just want to make people, including you, smile. You can see more of this disclaimer on the About page. Don’t forget to send the swag.

*** Dear Esteemed and Honorable Ms. Lawson, Please be advised that “by great minds”, I am noting that we both wrote poems. In no way should it be inferred that your poem is also bad. (I really don’t want to piss off someone who dresses dead animals.)


7 Responses »

  1. Congratulations on getting more readers! I find your blog interesting. That is not meant in a bad way, either. Your humor is one that I appreciate. This blog world needs more humor. I’m looking forward to what you are going to do with that giant egg. Say, what is happening in your studio? When are you going to do an unveiling? Ooops, did I mix you up with a different blogger?! Hope you are feeling better and the flu is gone.


    • Leslie, I think you were my very first reader. Probably because my family, especially my mom, is banned from this site. Trust me, it was necessary–otherwise I would be getting in trouble for my foul language–and yes, I am in my 40s. For the record, my dad still corrects my table manners too. (It explains a lot about the anxiety, doesn’t it).

      But I digress. You are so sweet. I love your blog too (and your sweet husband). Yes, the flu is almost gone. Actually, I got the flu for a week, got well for two days and then came down with a cold for a week. It was fabulous.

      You did not mix me up with another blogger. I showed you my teal wall. I still love it. I can’t do a grand unveiling for a couple reasons. (1) a lot of the “cool” stuff I want to decorate with is in our garage, and it is currently -25 F windchill here in Minnesota (that is the truth and not a comedic exaggeration) and (2) finishing the studio would actually take a budget of more than five bucks. I was thinking of waiting for one great big “reveal”, but since that could be a long time away, maybe I should show you bits and pieces. I think I will try and do that. I bet readers like you will give great suggestions.

      Thanks for sticking with me. Your name is written first with that big black Sharpie 😀 -Betsy

      • Holy Cow! -25 degree windchill?! I don’t blame you for not wanting to go to the garage, let alone OUTSIDE!

        I can totally relate to a budget of nearly zero :/ I’m no decorating maven by any stretch of the imagination. I would love to decorate my house in something other than tools :/ and the “Man Cave” that is currently my home. I love my husband but he makes things a challenge 😀

        I’m glad you are gaining an audience of more than just little old me 😀 That is awesome!


  2. Great blog Betsy! Thanks for visiting with your idea about visiting each others Blogs. Great idea! I will definitely make some time over the next couple of weeks to visit blogs from Funky Junk Interiors and will keep your original post from my blog intact. Keep up the great work and thanks again 🙂

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