I just spent more than half the day trying to fix the fact that each of the pictures on my blog had TWO Pinterest buttons hovering over them. Widgets, plug-ins, permalinks, jetpacks, cookies and caches buzzed and blitzed like a swarm of angry bees.
Finally it dawned on me:
- WordPress sucks
- It’s Friday and I need a big-ass strawberry margarita
- It wasn’t the blog. The extra Pinterest button was from my Google Chrome Extensions.
I installed the extension months ago to make it easy to add fabulous crafts and recipes to my Pinterest boards. Yeah, those fabulous crafts and recipes–the ones I never have time to make because everything related to blogging–Wordpress, photography lighting and Photoshop correction of said lighting–takes me 47 times longer than what any reasonable would assume.
Did I tell you I needed a margarita? Make it two.
I have not touched my blog in a full year because I feel the same….maybe I should just go to blogspot? It is soooo much easier – but Google and their argus eyes are always tracking you then….(like they and everyone else doesn’t know everything last thing about you anyway)….what to do? Well, I like your blog. Nice header!
I feel your pain. I don’t mind google’s eyes and blogspot is soooooo much easier, but all the “pros” told me to go with WordPress. Honestly, I consider myself somewhat tech savvy, but the html stuff is killing me. It makes it hard to have time for actual art! 🙂