Tag Archives: Petaloo

Beach beautiful is wild

Beach beautiful is wild
Beach beautiful is wild
Bonus: Learn a fabulously frugal trick for using 
spray inks when you don’t have masks or stencils! 


Without going into the gory details, last summer was a tough time for our family. Truth be told, all of 2013 pretty much sucked. A short respite from the dismal came when we visited a small zoo south of Milwaukee. Normally, a zoo isn’t all that exciting to me, but this one turned out to be pretty fun–probably more so because it was such a relief from the worries. It was literally a stone’s throw from Lake Michigan, so it wasn’t long before we headed down to the beach to watch my son climb rocks and my daughter do handstands in the sand.

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Blogged or bogged?

Blogged or bogged?


Drumroll please—this is the first blog I have written about an actual project.

Ok, so that drumroll was actually the sound of my dog’s toenails clicking across the studio floor. I could do worse.

I’m still figuring out how I want to do this. I know my biggest challenge will be documenting all the brands and products I use. I do not like being bogged down in facts, figures and files. That’s probably why all my papers are piled haphazardly on top of my file cabinets, instead of neatly within them.

While I will provide info on resources, my foremost purpose is to offer inspiration, ideas and techniques. Along the way, I hope I make your day a little lighter.

Let me count the ways I love thee

Currently I have a love affair going with….Oops, web entries have to be short. You all are supposed to have the attention span of gnats and this is way too long. Are you still even there?

Ok, I’m cutting this section and I’ll put it in an upcoming post. It will be fantastically, awesomely riveting. Read the rest of this entry