Have you ever felt something similar to a panic attack? Writing Part 2 of the Tutorial for the Never Ending Book certainly brought it on for me. First, I misplaced my notes. This book is ginormous, so if I did not have my notes, there would be no way I could recall how to make the pages.
After searching through my my messy office and then my even messier studio, I finally remembered I had written Part 1 of the Tutorial while sitting in a hospital waiting room. I looked in my book bag and found my notes. Phew!
Then, as I was writing this tutorial I discovered that the fun overview of the book left out two entire fold-out pages (I did go back in later to add them). Normally, this would be an easy problem to solve, but the book already has a new owner. Thankfully, she was kind enough to snap a couple photos for me.
As a result, this tutorial features the mysterious never-before-seen (insert spooky music) long lost forgotten pages! You can also find it on the Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts Blog.
Part 2 Tutorial on how to make the Never Ending Book
Pages 7 & 8
Take a deep breath and let’s get to it.
Page 7 is easy to make. However, first you have to make the base for Pages 7, 7a and 7b. Cut a piece of 7 5/8″ x 8″ black cardstock. On the widest side, make score lines at 6 1/8″ and 6 1/4″. Fold at the score lines to create a flap. Add score tape to the flap and adhere to the page 7 base so that Page 7 now folds out, creating two more pages (7a and 7b).
Now cut a 7 1/2″ x 6″ sheet of decorative cardstock and adhere to the Page 7 base.
Use a strong adhesive such as Beacon Fabri-Tac to adhere a vintage clip. Cut a smaller (approximately 5″ x 4″) piece of coordinating cardstock and adhere it to a sheet of black cardstock. Trim the black cardstock to 1/8″ from the edge of the decorative cardstock.
Then you can add any photos or mementos that you like to this card.
Page 8 is a little trickier, but even a beginning crafter can make it. If you want to make this exact page, you will need the Townscape Die and Scallop Die. However, you can easily replace it with another die or punch, or use some of Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts awesome borders.
Begin by cutting a 7 1/2″ x 6″ sheet of decorative cardstock. Then cut an 8″ x 6″ piece of black cardstock and decorative cardstock.
Center the Townscape Die along the top edge of both of these papers and cut. Center on the page and score where you will fold back the flaps. Make a second score line 1/8″ further out from the each of those original score lines and fold all the lines. By creating two score lines you will give add room in the pocket.
Add score tape along the bottom and both back flaps. Line up at the second score line and adhere.
Add another line of score tape over the bottom edge.
Cut an 8″ x 4″ piece of black cardstock and decorative cardstock. Center the Scallop Die along the top edge of both of these papers and cut. Center on the page and repeat the process for scoring the lines that you did on the first piece.
Adhere over the first pocket.
Attach the entire unit to the Page 8 base.
Now create a set of inserts cards, each slightly bigger than the last by cutting decorative cardstock, adhering to black carsdtock and trimming to withing 1/8″ of the edge. Ink all the edges with Vintage Photo Distress Ink.
Cut another piece of black cardstock with the Townscape Die. Cut apart the individual houses and adhere a house to each individual card. Slide the cards into the pockets.
For page 7a, cut a 7 1/2″ x 6″ sheet of decorative cardstock and adhere to the Page 7a base.
Cut two slightly smaller pieces of coordinating pieces of cardstock and adhere them back to back. Then cut them with the File Folder Die.
Attach a brad that will serve as a knob in the door.
Adhere another piece of paper (I used paper I created on a gelli plate) to this unit with 3D adhesive foam and attach the entire unit to the cardstock you already adhered to the base.
To make Page 7b, first paint the Texture Sheet Diamonds with light blue acrylic paint. After it is dry, stipple brush it with a medium blue acrylic paint. Give it extra texture by pressing the medium blue paint on with a pencil eraser head or bubble wrap.
When dry, rub some of the light blue paint with Peacock Feathers Distress Ink.
Cut the Texture Sheet Diamonds into a 5″ x 3″ rectangle.
Now cut two 7″ x 3″ pieces of decorative cardstock. One of these should have a medium brown tone. Rub the edges with Vintage Photo Distress Ink. Adhere the brown pieces to black cardstock. Trim the top and two sides to 1/8″ from the edge of the decorative cardstock. Trim the bottom even with the decorative cardstock.
Make a score line at 1 7/8″ and 2″ from the bottom.
Glue a micro-magnet near the top of the black cardstock. Then glue the Texture Sheet Diamonds rectangle over the brown cardstock.
Attach the second piece of decorative cardstock over the magnet.
Cut a 7 1/2″ x 6″ sheet of decorative cardstock. Cut a 6″ wide piece of corrugated cardboard and tear the top in a pleasant pattern. Glue it onto the decorative cardstock.
Fold the bottom of the 7″ x 3″ flap inward and glue it to the corrugated cardboard.
Fold the flap up. Holding, it in place, turn the paper over. Add a dab of glue to a second micro-magnet and allow the magnetic force to pull the magnet into the proper location on the paper.
Glue the entire unit onto your 7b base page.
Pages 9 & 10
I happened to find two pieces of cardstock that had nearly duplicate patterns, so I created a flap that when flipped down revealed the same flowers. However, you don’t really need duplicate patterns. Any interesting papers that you can fussy cut around will work just fine.
To make Page 9, begin by selecting a piece of decorative cardstock that you will want to fussy cut a flap from. Cut this paper so that it is 6″ wide at the base. Adhere it to black cardstock, leaving 3″ of black cardstock extending from the base. Before adhering, insert a micro-magnet near the top between where you will fussy cut the paper and the black cardstock.
Make a score line at the base of the decorative cardstock and another one 1/8″ beyond where only the black cardstock extends out.
Fussy cut the top of your image. Make sure your magnet is included in the area you cut.
As you can see from the picture below, I actually attached my 3″ flap to the the backside of Page 9, before I made Page 8. However, you can just as easily attach it to Page 9. Line the flap with score tape and adhere it to the page base.
Add a dab of glue to a second micro-magnet and allow the magnetic force to pull the magnet into the proper location on the page base.
Cut a 7 1/2″ x 6″ sheet of decorative cardstock and adhere it to the Page 9 base over the magnet.
Make insert cards from coordinating papers and black cardstock.
To make Page 10, cut a 7 1/2″ x 6″ sheet of decorative cardstock and adhere it to the base.
Next cut three 6″ x 4″ squares of black cardstock and score at 4″ and 4 1/8″. Fold along all the score lines.
Add score tape right next to the score line opposite the square and on the edge farthest away from the square.
Place the first square so that when folded it is able to be fully closed within the book and so that the bottom square, when folded will not extend beyond the top of the book.
Add a micro-magnet to the square that will be the last to fold to a close. Or, if you are like me and forget it, peel back the decorative paper and add it after the fact.
Add 4″ x 4″ decorative squares to all the front and back sides of the black cardstock except for the center piece.
To determine where to place the second magnet, close all the flaps and flip the paper over. Allow the magnetic force to pull the magnet into the proper location on the back of the page. Remove the magnet and carefully mark that spot with your finger or a pencil. Flip the paper back over, open the flaps, add a dab of glue to the magnet (make sure it is the correct side of the magnet!) and glue in place.
Measure the size needed for the center decorative square. Cut and adhere it in place.
Attach the Page 10 unit to the Page 10 base.
Pages 11 & 12 and the Mysterious Forgotten Pages
Page 11 is simply a matter of adding a side insert. However, first you have to make the base for Pages 11, 11a and 11b. Do this the same as you did for Page 7: cut a piece of 7 5/8″ x 8″ black cardstock; on the widest side, make score lines at 6 1/8″ and 6 1/4″; fold at the score lines to create a flap; add score tape to the flap and adhere to the page 11 base so that Page 1 now folds out, creating two more pages.
To make the side insert, cut a 7 1/2″ x 2″ strip of decorative cardstock, apply Vintage Photo Distress Ink to the edges and use the scallop die to cut some coordinating paper. Adhere the scallops to the back of the 7 1/2″ x 2″ piece. Then line one long edge and the two short edges of the back side with score tape.
Cut a 7 1/2″ x 6″ sheet of decorative cardstock. Adhere the 7 1/2″ x 2″ strip to the edge of the paper and attach the entire unit to the Page 11 base.
To make Page 11a, begin by cutting a 4″ x 5″ piece of black cardstock and making score lines at 3″ and 3 1/8″. Adhere the flap to the base of Page 11a.
Glue a micro-magnet onto the black cardstock near the of this flap. Then adhere decorative cardstock to the front and back sides of the flap.
Attach the second micro-magnet to the first, add a dab of glue to the back and fold the flap shut to see where the glue make a spot on the Page 11a base. Glue the second micro-magnet in that position.
Cut a 7 1/2″ x 6″ sheet of decorative cardstock and adhere it to Page 11a base.
Paint the Flourished Frame Elizabeth with an aqua acrylic paint. Let dry and then ink with Vintage Photo Distress Ink.
Place tiny dabs of glue on the back of the frame–only placing blue on the bottom and 2/3 of the way up the sides. This will make it easier to slide pictures in and out.
To make Page 11b, first make a side flap, by cutting a 5″ x 5″ piece of black cardstock and making score lines and 3″ and 3 1/8″.
Attach magnets and the decorative cardstock for the back side the same way you did for the flap on Page 11a. Then cut a 7 1/2″ x 6″ sheet of decorative cardstock and adhere it to Page 11b base.
Before adding cardstock to the front of the flap, make an additional insert, by creating a pocket tab. Glue the tabs of this pocket slide to the black cardstock flap. Then, adhere another decorative cardstock sheet over the flap and tabs. After that, you can add another insert that slides in and out of the tab.
To make Page 12, just glue an upholstery sample to a 7 1/2″ x 6″ sheet of decorative cardstock that you attached to the Page 11 base. Then add decorative cardstock cut with the Pediments Die. And two pieces of cardstock cut with a star folder die. Finish the whole thing off with a bit of ribbon.
See. Aren’t you glad I found those forgotten pages?
Pages 13 & 14
By now, I am going to assume you have gotten the basic concepts down of how to add the decorative background papers, how to add 1/8″ edging of black cardstock, and how to hide micro-magnets beneath the surface.
Page 13 has two magnetic flaps: a side arm and a top flap.
Cut two 1.5″ wide (aprox.) wide strips of decorative cardstock in whatever length you want your sidearm to be. Adhere one of them to black cardstock. Trim three sides of it to within 1/8″ inch and leave an additional 2″ of black cardstock on the left side of it.
Make a score line on the additional 2″ flush against the decorative cardstock. Make a second score line 1/8″ out on the black cardstock. Fold on the score lines.
Attach a magnet on the other side of the strip. Add the other strip of decorative cardstock, covering the magnet.
Line the 2″ of extending black cardstock with score tape and adhere it to the Page 13 Base. Adhere the second magnet to the Page 13 Base.
Repeat this entire process for the top flap, except use the dimensions of 3 1/2″ x 6″. Make insert cards for the page.
To make Page 14. Add the decorative cardstock background. Then, create a two page book by cutting a 6″ x 5″ black cardstock.
Make a score line at 4 1/8″ and 4 1/4″ and fold. Adhere the short flap down. Attach a magnet to the flap and add 5″ x 4″ rectangles of decorative paper to both sides. Add a magnet to the base and add another 5″ x 4″ rectangle to cover the magnet.
Paint a Doodle Frame Square with ivory paint. Let dry and ink with vintage photo ink. Adhere the bottom and three sides to the front of the booklet.
Make a tag that slides into the frame and add a ribbon.
Pages 15 & 16
Begin making Page 15 by painting the Art Deco Borders and Corners with ivory acrylic paint.
After it dries, trim it to 6″ wide and adhere it to a strip of black cardstock that you have torn on one side.
Using a similar method that you did on Page 8, make a pocket by cutting an 8″ x 4″ piece of black cardstock and 6″ x 4″ piece of decorative cardstock.
Make a score line at 1 7/8″ and 2″ from the edge of the black cardstock. Flip the cardstock over and make two more score lines at 1 7/8″ and 2″ from the opposite edge. Fold back at the score lines.
Adhere the decorative cardstock to this black cardstock pocket, then adhere the torn strip of cardstock with the Art Deco Border to to the of the pocket. The picture below shows what it will look like with the flaps folded underneath.
Add score tape along the bottom and both back flaps. Adhere to a a 7 1/2″ x 6″ sheet of decorative background paper and glue it to the Page 15 base. Add a coordinating insert cards or two.
For Page 16, I used two duplicate sheets of cardstock. By now you know the process you will use: (1) create a flap with a double score line and extended black cardstock that is adhered to the base page. (2) Two micro-magnets hidden beneath the papers. (3) Make inserts.
Pages 17 & 18
Pages 17 and 18 are doozies. In reality, Pages 17 & 18, turn into Pages 17, 17a, 17b, 18, 18a, 18a card, 18b, 18c, 18d, 18e and 18f. While in one way, it can feel overwhelming, it uses techniques that you already learned.
Pages 17 has a magnetic flat, a pocket corner and an insert card.
Page 18 is a blank for large pictures or mementos.
Page 17a is a diagonal pocket, which is essentially the same as any of the other pockets you made. Page 17b is also left blank for large photos.
Page 18a is a card that opens up to reveal a Flourished Frame Elizabeth into which you can slide photos. Page 18b is intentionally left blank for large photos or mementos.
Lift up 18a to discover 18c and 18d with more pockets, inserts and fun Chevron Travel Words. Make these pockets exactly the same way as all the earlier pockets. But guess what, you are not done yet!
Fold down 18d to find even more! Page 18e offers two more pockets and Page 18f has a tie envelope for all that super-secret stuff (or a very special memento).
As I already explained, you have already learned these techniques, so you don’t need to see how to make each page. I’m not leaving you high and dry here. I plan to show you everything you need for your own success.
Begin by making a little mock-up of the pages you want to make. This way, you do not even need to replicate my pages. You can come up with your own design.
As you can see from my pictures below, this mock-up does not need to be pretty. Its only purpose is to help you figure out how you are going to get the job done.
I just used scratch paper and tape to figure out how I would assemble the pages and in what order I would need to assemble them.
Next add what will become the four base pages of 17, 17a, 17b, 18, 18a and 18b.
Then go ahead and cut both the black cardstock and decorative cardstock of your pages. Do not glue anything down yet.
Determine where you need to first adhere black cardstock flaps to bases and where you need to insert magnets and adhere them in place. Then slowly begin to add the decorative papers, making sure you frequently refer to your mock up to make sure you are proceeding in the right order.
Back in Part 1 of the Tutorial you learned how to make the corner pocket that is on Page 17.
Below you can see the process I used to make Page 18d. As you can see, for this page I went with the simpler pockets that are just attached, rather than the wrap-around-flap pockets. The advantage is that they are easier to make and take up less room in the book, The disadvantage is that they hold less.
On the other hand, you can see that as I prepared to make Page 18e, I used the wrap-around-flap pockets.
To make Page 17a. simply create a wrap-around pocket with flaps, but cut the pocket at an angle. Then attach Faux Typewriter Keys to the exterior of the pocket and make inserts with scrapbook paper.
Even though it seemed relatively simply, I carefully planned the assemblage of the card on Page 18a,
Pages 19 & 20
To make Page 19, make a simple add-on pocket by cutting decorative cardstock, adhering it to black cardstock and trimming it to 1/8″ inch from edges. Flip the black cardstock over and line three edges with score tape.
Adhere the tape to your 7 1/2″ x 6″ background cardstock. Make an insert for the pocket.
Finally, to make Page 20, make two side add-on pockets. Make the first pocket by cutting black cardstock 7 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ and then cutting decorative cardstock 1/8″ smaller than that on each edge. Adhere the decorative cardstock to the black cardstock.
Flip the black cardstock over and line three edges with score tape.
Cut a second piece of decorative cardstock that is smaller than the first (aprox. 6 1/2″ x 2 1/4″). Flip the cardstock over and line three edges with score tape.
Adhere the larger pocket to your 7 1/2″ x 6″ background cardstock, aligning the outside tape edge with the outside of the page. Adhere the second pocket over the first. Make inserts for the pocket.
*What I think is an important disclaimer–I made this book once. Then I wrote the tutorial from my notes and memory. I did not go back and re-make it following my tutorial. In other words, while I am pretty darn sure everything is correct, in a project of this size there remains the possibility of a boo-boo. So please don’t get mad–especially not at Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts–if you find an error. Please let me know about any alterations you think I might need to make.
I hope you have a blast making this book!
Love and glitter, Betsy
Great Stuff
Deco Stars
Star Card Die
8.5 x 11 Black cardstock–pretty much a whole package
Black chipboard
Large Tyvek envelope
Score tape
Lots and Lots of assorted cardstock from many manufacturers, Tim Holtz, K & Company, Kaiserkraft, Authentique and Recollections.
Acrylic paint
Brown ink
Assorted embellishments