If you looked closely in my Graphic 45 audition, you might have noticed that fawn in the Spring Matchbox really knows how to celebrate the new season. He has donned a purple polka-dotted party hat, complete with glitter and streamer-like tassel.
I chuckled when today I visited the web site of one of my favorite artists, Lisa Kettle, because coincidentally pictured on her blog is a cute-as-can-be zebra wearing a glittery red party hat. Her post reminded me that more than likely she introduced me many years ago to animal party hats when I read her book Altered Art Circus.
I had already been creating circus themed altered art when I ran across Lisa’s book and I couldn’t believe that someone else could possibly shared my crazy passions for both altered art and circuses. Huh. Was it really possible that there was another person in this world with the same weird unusual tastes????
Of course, we are not going to discuss the fact that one of us was smart enough to write a book about it. Nope, not one word.
Many years later, a quick Google search reveals that many artists and crafters have now combined these two subjects. Of course, much of this is probably due to the fact that major manufacturers like Graphic 45 and Rusty Pickle (who else misses that amazing company?) produced circus-themed products. However, I think Lisa still reigns as Altered Art Circus Queen and I highly recommend her book.
You too can make party hats for your favorite animals
As you can see from my shadowbox, circus animals are not our only four-legged friends who like to throw a party. Little Mr. Fawn has put on his finest duds to celebrate the first day of spring.
In case you want to help some of your furry friends with their own celebration, I’ve put together a little tutorial so you can make these tiny party hats.
Making the party hat is fairly easy. Albeit, because Mr. Fawn’s hat was so tiny, I actually made several of them before I was completely satisfied with the final product. However, since I tend to be more-than-a-little-anal about these things, you should have no problem on your first attempt. And no, that does not mean I have my head up my ass.
Step 1
On the back of the paper you are going to use, lightly draw a small circle (about 1.5 inch diameter) with a pencil.
Step 2
Imagine the circle to be a cake and draw two lines to indicate the generous slice of cake you are going to eat. Remember–this is your party, so don’t be stingy–draw yourself the biggest slice of tiny cake that you have ever eaten in your life.
Step 3
Pretend you ate that piece and erase it from the circle of cake. Mmmm. Wasn’t that yummy? Nothing like a little cardstock to satisfy the sweet tooth. What you should have left should resemble a very large-mouthed Pac-Man.
Step 4
Cut out this Pac-Man shape.
Step 5
Cut a 1 to 2 inch length of sheer ribbon and fringe almost the entire length of it with narrow cuts.
Step 6
Roll up the short end of the ribbon and adhere it with a hot glue gun, thereby creating a tiny tassel.
Step 7
Adhere the glue end of the tassel to the inside center of the Pac-Man’s mouth.
Step 8
Roll the Pac-Man into a cone shape with the tassle flowing out of the top of the cone.
Step 9
Use adhesive to hold the cone into the shape of the hat that you want.
Step 10
Add glitter or other decorations.
Your party hat is complete. Happy celebrating. And I personally hope you have a happy first day of Spring. – Betsy
Love this blog post. So filled with fun and inspiration. I’m so glad there are others out there who love the magic and storybook magic that the circus has to offer. The colors and themes of the circus inspire so much artwork. Thanks so much for sharing this great project technique and enjoying Altered Art Circus.
P.S. I hope you make it through the Graphic 45 audition.
Aw, thank you so much Lisa. I love following you on Instagram and I swear you have the most supportive mom ever! Have a fantabulous day! – Betsy