You might never guess it from their job descriptions, but I am just one Crayola coming from a whole box of colorful creative types.
Accountant, homemaker, architect, physical chemist, construction engineer and web developer are some of my family member’s day job titles. However, these folks are also incredibly artistic. Well…maybe not the physical chemist… he has so many degrees behind his name and so much knowledge oozing out of his head, that he is more likely to take a spectrometer to a crayon than actually color with it.*
Anyhow–my mom, my aunt, my sister-in-law and my step mom were talented seamstresses. Luckily for me, this meant that my kids, when they were young, received adorable clothes handmade by their grandmothers. I have always had a soft spot for matching sibling outfits, so I especially loved these Fourth of July outfits that my stepmom made for my kids many years ago.
Aren’t these the most adorable use of the stars and stripes EVER in the ENTIRE history of the United States????
Beaming with pride, I was getting ready to post this as a throwback photo on Facebook this morning, when I got sidetracked by the Bloggess.com. Now it is one thing thing that she is always trying to distract me from serious work like Facebook posts, but it is another matter entirely, when she purposefully destroys my day by adding a link to Daily Viral Stuff, where I see this.
Crushed. I tell you. Keep in mind, this is just one in a series of pictures about allegedly ridiculous looking people seen at Walmart. This guy was right up there with the bearded lady and the woman whose pants failed to cover any of the things pants are supposed to cover.
To be fair, the Bloggess’ link was actually about a Walmart employee named Shane. But that link had a link to another Walmart story, and well, that link led to another…. I pinky swear it was only a few minutes of clicks that lead to the crushing moment when I saw this picture: my babies were dressed like the mocked people of Walmart.
Although, I have to admit, I kinda like his socks…
*Truth be told, he is probably just as artistic as the rest of us, but my brain isn’t cerebral enough to recognize it as art.
No fair, Jack didn’t get the shorts or the matching socks! You are right that the picture your kids in their adorable forth of july outfits, is the most adorable use of the stars and stripes ever! It doesn’t hurt that your kids are among the most adorable kids ever.