No bones about it, these Halloween putz houses have guts

No bones about it, these Halloween putz houses have guts
No bones about it, these Halloween putz houses have guts

Santa Claus does not seem to have sole claim to chimneys anymore. Ghosts and skeletons seems to be popping out of these miniature Halloween houses. Thank goodness they don’t need to be pulled by a team of eight snakes.

Shudddddder….I really hate snakes. Hate them. Really I do.

Day Seven of Paper Calliope’s 13 days of October bring us the third in a series of four putz-style houses.


Even though there is no skeleton lurking around this house, so I don’t know if I can show you the bones of these little houses. However, since this house has a little pumpkin sitting outside, I guess that means I can show you the guts of the house. C’mon, admit it. You missed my puns.


You can buy these sturdy little structures at Retro Cafe Art and you can get the tiny orange Dew Drops at the Robin’s Nest.


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